It is a New Year and a New You

To kick off the New Year, Dr. Sikorski has put together her Top 10 Cosmetic Picks for 2014!!  As a lot of people are looking for those non-surgical options, Dr.Sikorski has made sure to make that the focus of her top 10 picks.  Without further adieu, here we go!

Dr.Sikorski’s Top 10 picks of 2014!

1. Thulium Laser           2. Ultherapy        3. Voluma/Artefill

4. CoolSculpting           5. V-Beam            6. Botox             7. Sculptra

8. Thermage Eyes        9. Nectifirm        10. Vitamin A, C, E & Hyalis

 All of these picks are favorites of Dr. Sikorski’s because they are a great vast aray of different procedures that all help the uniform goal of looking younger.  Here at Natural Image OC, we work with you to put together the best plan for you as an individual to make sure you get the best results.  So whether it is all of these, a lot of these, or just a few of these options, we know you will get a great result!

As we continue our journey throughout 2014, we will go more in depth about each of these Top 10 Picks.  The first on the list is Thulium.

Fraxel Dual Wavelength Thulium Laser Treatment is a “fractional” treatment that produces thousands of deep, tiny columns in your skin called microscopic treatment zones (mtz).  The term “fractional” means that only a percentage of the skin surface is affected with each pass of the laser.  Fraxel intensively treats only some of the epidermal cells without affecting all of them.  This method of fractionally treating the skin reduces healing time and promotes the skin’s natural process for creating new, healthier tissue to replace the damaged cells.


Next up, Ultherapy!

Until then, have a wonderful day!

Natural Image OC

Do you have the curse of Cold Weather?

Tis the season for cold winds, hot showers, constantly changing temperatures and drying indoor heat.  All of these can literally suck the life out of your skin and your hair if you aren’t careful.  We have gathered a few simple tips to help you beat these ever changing scenarios!

for blog

Do you have dull complexion?

When you skin cells are dehydrated, they tend to slough off less quickly which then build up and don’t allow that fresh look.  To solve this, simply drink more water! Also load up on your omega 3’s as they help with hydration.  In these dry times, make sure to start your regimen with a cleanser that doesn’t stip your skin as much and then follow with a cream instead of lotion.  Creams will help to insulate the skin.

Is your hair feeling a little uninspiring?

Winter hair is never something you look forward to.  Dull, dryed out, full of static…not fun!  One easy solution is to make sure you use conditioner!  Conditioner is important because it locks in last moisture that will keep your hair fresh and not full of that pesky static. 

Is your scalp dry and itchy?

These symptoms can be either dandruff and/or regular dry scalp.  Both of these tend to have the same tell tale signs so it may be a bit difficult to pin point.  You should try using a hydrating shampoo and conditioner.  Give it some time but if after about a week, its doesn’t resolve then try using moroccanoil on your scalp.  If that doesn’t work, then you most likely have dandruff.  Change to a medicated shampoo that will help kill the fungus and stop the flakes. 

Along with these, I’m sure you have seen hundreds of helpful skin tips.  The main thing to take away from this is to make sure to protect and hydrate your skin, it does more for you than you think it does!

Thanks for reading!

Natural Image OC

December at Natural Image OC

Happy Holidays from Natural Image OC!  During these holiday months, patients are always coming in wanting ‘quick fixes’ to get them looking fantastic for all of their upcoming functions.  Some might think that there isn’t much you can do in such a short amount of time.  Well, that’s where we come in. 

At Natural Image OC, we have plenty of different options with minimal to no downtime that can help give you that fresh, updated look just in time for you to put on that fancy dress and sharp suit.  Do you know what you are looking to accomplish?  Do you want just a little tightening above your eyes or around your jowls?  Do you have that stubborn muffin top that just won’t go away no matter how hard you try?  Or do you have those pesky brown and/or red spots that keep showing up?

Just below is our December Specials and there is bound to be something you will love..and if not, give us a call and we will find something that works specifically for you.


December Savings

Fractionated CO2 is one of the procedures that we have on special this month.  Fractionated CO2 is a great laser resurfacing procedure for smoothing acne scars, reducing pigmentation and sun damage, reducing wrinkles, tightening loose skin and stimulating new collagen.  Below is a video of Dr. Lenore Sikorski and Fractionated CO2.

Thanks for reading!

Natural Image OC

Are your hands aging faster than you would like?

Have you ever thought that your hands make you look older than you really are?  Don’t worry, you are not alone.  Your hands are one of the areas that ages the fastest.  Think about it…your hands are constantly exposed to the environment, mainly the sun.  Our hands are very sensitive yet we use them for everything and most people don’t take the time to care for and protect them from aging faster than they do!

The backs of your hands have a minimal amount of fat and when even the smallest amount of collagen disappears, it is very noticeable.  We have patients always coming in asking what they can do to slow down the aging process on their face as well as their hands!  One of the first things you may want to do, is set up a consultation with your local dermatologist/cosmetic surgeon.  At our office, Natural Image OC, we provide complimentary consultations for cosmetic procedures.  In that consultation, it will be abel to be determined the best course of action for you individually.  Whether it be something simple like a non-invasive, no downtime laser like IPL and a new skin care regime, or something a little more detailed like the Thulium Laser.  The important thing is that there is a treatment plan out there to help you reach your goal, it’s just a matter of getting to it.

Click Here to read about some anti-aging treatments that you can do from home!


Natural Image OC

Aging and Changing

Have you noticed lately that looking in the mirror isn’t what it used to be?  Have gravity and/or age finally started to show its ugly side?  Well the simple fact is both are an inevitable occurence but the good news is there are plenty of things you can do to delay it as long as possible.  Whether it be a simple skin care product, laser procedure or full on cosmetic surgery, there is something out there for you to try.

As a consumer, we are constantly bombarded with non-stop advertising making it harder and harder to determine what our best option is.  There are countless products and procedures out there that all claim to ‘keep you young’ but the truth is, not everything is going to work for you.  Everyone is different meaning all products and procedures are going to effect us differently.  The best and most accurate way to find out what is best for you is to go in to your dermatologist or surgeon’s office and do a consultation so that way you get the best, personalized advice from the expert.  Before you do that, we do recommend that you do a little bit of research because with something like this, you want to make sure you aren’t going to be pressured into making such a big decision to quickly.

In our office, we offer complimentary consultations so that way our potential patient has the chance to come in and ask all the questions they might have while getting the best personal advice they can get.  We understand that all of the options one might have can be very daunting to even start to comprehend, heck it is even hard to pick which restaurant to go to lunch at let alone pick a laser or cosmetic surgery procedure!

The key to getting the best consultation is to really know what you are looking to improve.  It is much easier for the person giving the consultation to address those direct issues as opposed to them having no information to go from. 

See you all next time!

Natural Image OC