Top 5 Things You Should Know Before Getting an Injectable Treatment

When it comes to a cosmetic procedure, there are many questions that may pop into your head: Is this the right choice for me? Is this dangerous? How quick is the recovery time? Natural Image OC takes pride in making sure that all of our clients are as comfortable as possible when it comes to any procedure. We understand that it can be daunting to undergo an injectable cosmetic procedure, especially when it’s your first time. Dr. Sikorski’s signature style is giving each patient a ‘natural look’, so rest assure that your Natural Image OC doctor has your best interest at heart. To make things easier on you, Dr. Sikorski has put together the top 5 things you need to know before getting an injectable treatment.

What you need to know

1.) Discover your “problem” areas: In order to truly understand which areas you’d like your doctor to focus on, you’ll need to take a “selfie”. It is much easier to evaluate yourself objectively through photos, rather than starring in the mirror. Snap a photo of yourself looking forward in a neutral position, then take another of yourself doing a range of facial expressions: smiling, frowning, pouting, looking up and looking down. Next, lay your photos side by side and select the ones that bother you the most. Ask yourself; what is the biggest difference between the neutral photo and the others? Focus on where most of your facial lines are. The better you understand what you want to improve, the better your doctor can help you.

2.) Know your budget: Pick an amount that you’d like to use for your treatment, then discuss with your doctor what options you have available based on your budget. But keep in mind, you must be prepared to make some sort of financial commitment in order to get the results you want; and smaller doses may not last as long as you’d like. If your budget is limited but you want to address more than one area, then you may want to consider staggering your treatments.

3.) Start small: Choose the main area of concern and focus on that first as you can always go back and add more. Keep in mind it may take 3 months to resolve any deep wrinkles.

4.) Choose an area that has the best chance of success: This would be an area such as the frown lines that are treated with wrinkle-relaxing injections and have a low complication rate. It’s an easy area to have treated and can quickly give you that refreshed look that you’re seeking.

5.) Continue to take care of your skin: It’s imperative to continue to manage your skin to maintain the areas that you’re going to improve. This would include a morning and night cream, sunscreen and a moisturizer.

Natural Image OC is based on the premise that cosmetic surgery doesn’t have to leave you looking as if you had surgery. Old school surgical techniques often create over-tightened, flat, wind-swept appearances. If you or someone you know is considering a cosmetic or dermatological procedure please contact us today for a free consultation: 949.448.0487

December at Natural Image OC

Happy Holidays from Natural Image OC!  During these holiday months, patients are always coming in wanting ‘quick fixes’ to get them looking fantastic for all of their upcoming functions.  Some might think that there isn’t much you can do in such a short amount of time.  Well, that’s where we come in. 

At Natural Image OC, we have plenty of different options with minimal to no downtime that can help give you that fresh, updated look just in time for you to put on that fancy dress and sharp suit.  Do you know what you are looking to accomplish?  Do you want just a little tightening above your eyes or around your jowls?  Do you have that stubborn muffin top that just won’t go away no matter how hard you try?  Or do you have those pesky brown and/or red spots that keep showing up?

Just below is our December Specials and there is bound to be something you will love..and if not, give us a call and we will find something that works specifically for you.


December Savings

Fractionated CO2 is one of the procedures that we have on special this month.  Fractionated CO2 is a great laser resurfacing procedure for smoothing acne scars, reducing pigmentation and sun damage, reducing wrinkles, tightening loose skin and stimulating new collagen.  Below is a video of Dr. Lenore Sikorski and Fractionated CO2.

Thanks for reading!

Natural Image OC